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Second Session: "Food and Beverage Industry: Sustainability, Global Trends, and The Way Forward"

Second Session: "Food and Beverage Industry: Sustainability, Global Trends, and The Way Forward"

Wednesday, September 27th, 2023

          10 am GMT



Dive into the future of the food and beverage industry, where sustainability meets global trends, and join us in ICCD’s upcoming webinare “Food and Beverage Industry: Sustainability, Global Trends, and The Way Forward”, on September 27th, 2023, at 10 am GMT.


Our distinguished speakers: 

  1. Mr. Shadab Khan, General Director, Coca-Cola Kazakhstan LLP.
  2. Ms. Marie Chantal Messier, Assistant Vice-President and Global Head of Food and Industry Affairs at Nestlé
  3. Mr. Aba Gibril Sankareh, Registrar General of Cooperatives, Department of Cooperative Development, The Gambia Ministry of Agriculture



Mr. Ahmed Khatter, Communications Associate, ICCD.