ICCD CollaborationsICCD Collaborations Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Agriculture, Mines and Crafts of Chad Website: https://cciama-tchad.com/ Food and Agriculture Organization Website: www.fao.org Islamic Center for Development of Trade Website: https://icdt-cidc.org Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum Website: www.icyforum.org/ Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD) Website: https://icd-ps.org/ Islamic Development Bank Website: www.isdb.org/ Islamic Organization for Food Security Website: https://iofs.org.kz/ Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development Website: www.undp.org/ National Economic Development Organization Website: www.onde.dz Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countries Website: www.smiic.org/en Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation Website: www.comcec.org/ Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries Website: www.sesric.org United Nations Development Programme Website: www.undp.org/ United Nations Economic and Social Council Website www.un.org/ecosoc/en United Nations Industrial Development Organization Website: www.unido.org/ United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation Website: www.unsouthsouth.org Development Aid Website: www.developmentaid.org Karachi School of Business and Leadership Website: https://www.ksbl.edu.pk/ Karachi Biennale Trust Website: https://karachibiennale.org.pk/ Al Baraka Forum for Islamic Economy Website: https://forum.albaraka.site/?lang=en