The State of Kuwait is located to the Northwest of the Arabian Gulf, between latitudes °28.30′ – °30.06′ north and between longitudes °46.30′ -°48.30′ east. To the North and Northwest, it shares the borders with the Republic of Iraq, to the South and Southwest with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and to the East with the Arabian Gulf. Due to the strategic location, it is considered a natural Gateway to the Northeast of the Arabian Peninsula which gave it a long-standing Commercial Importance. Due to Kuwait’ s Location in a desert Geographic Region, its Climate is characterized by Long Dry hot summer and Short warm – Sometimes Rainy – winter. Occasionally, Winds blow Dust Storms during Summer Months along with a Rise in Humidity

THE State of Kuwait


Kuwaiti dinar (KWD)

134.761 Billion USD (2019)

Exports (Product)
$59.8B (2019)

Exports (Service)
$7.51B (2018)

Imports (Product)
$33B (2019)

Chambers Names
Kuwait Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Kuwait City

Total Area
17,818 km2

Imports (Service)
$31.7B (2018)

Population in thousands

Source of Data
OEC – World Bank – Wikipedia