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ICCD Workshop on Creating Awareness on the Importance of Agriculture Commodity Exchange Markets


In view of the global economic challenges and opportunities, ICCD has developed a strategic plan to implement its objectives and to address the challenges faced by the private sector. In this respect, the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Development (ICCD) undertakes various projects, such as organizing customized workshops and training programs, which would help the OIC Member States upgrade their businesses, adopt best practices and make their business more competitive, as per international standards and add more value. The areas where focus has been given are: capacity building, agri-business, value chain, green growth and technology, commodity exchange program, business leadership development, poverty alleviation, promoting strategic commodities, upgrading marketing and managing skills, value-addition, gender development, promotion & development of Small & Medium Enterprises, utilization of microfinance and developing entrepreneurship, particularly for women and the youth. 

Workshop on Creating Awareness on the Importance of Agriculture Commodity Exchange Markets


Izmir-Türkiye, 1-2 August 2022

The Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Development (ICCD) organized a Workshop on Creating Awareness on the Importance of Agriculture Commodity Exchange Markets in collaboration with the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC), the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) and Izmir Commodity Exchange (ICE). The Workshop was held in Izmir-Turkey on 1-2 August 2022.



The objective of the Workshop is to promote and enhance the quality and competitiveness of the agriculture products and to increase the trade flows of agricultural produce and improve living standards. The Workshop aimed at creating awareness among the relevant stakeholders from the agriculture sector on the importance of Agriculture Commodity Exchange Markets (ACEM) and its benefit to the agriculture Sector. The Workshop discussed and shared knowledge on the business model for a successful Agriculture Commodity Exchange Markets (ACEM) in OIC Member Countries.


Project Purpose:

The Workshop discussed the business model for a successful Agriculture Commodity Exchange Markets (ACEM) in OIC member countries.


Contribution to Multilateral Cooperation:

The overall project contributes to Multilateral cooperation by transfer of knowledge and sharing of experience among OIC member countries. The project engages well established and experience Agriculture Commodity Exchange Markets (ACEMs) to support on developing the business model such as Izmir Exchange Market, which has over 120 years of experience.


Targeted Beneficiaries:

The Workshop was attended by the top management or senior-level executives, who are responsible for establishing strategies or making decisions, within their respective organizations such as the following:-

  1. Heads of Relevant Departments of the Chambers of Commerce
  2. Policy Makers (such as Ministry of Agriculture/Trade/Infrastructure or Commodity exchange representatives/Experts/Consultants)
  3.  Heads of the Farmer Union/Committee/Organization/Small & Medium Farmers


Related Future Works:

All the partnering countries have a large agriculture production and more than 60% of their production is based on small farming. Yet, marketing and quality issues are impacting the competitiveness of their production. The following could be the possible related works in the future:-

  1.  Creating a common platform in order to provide sustainability of experience sharing among the partner countries in the future. 
  2. Developing a Roadmap for ACEM establishment for the Member Countries to provide a sustainable solution toward this initiative.


Workshop Language:

The workshop language is English. As such, the participants should be well versed in English language.



The expert speakers made presentations and shared best practices from the commodity exchanges markets, providing participants an opportunity to develop their skills to serve better the private sector of their respective countries. The Workshop aimed at creating awareness among the relevant stakeholders from the agriculture sector on the importance of Agriculture Commodity Exchange Markets (ACEM) and its benefit to the agriculture Sector. This will be very beneficial to the small farmers and traders in the agriculture sector and will enhance their living standards. The Workshop discussed the business model for a successful Agriculture Commodity Exchange Markets (ACEM) in OIC Member Countries. Implementing a successful ACEM will provide a platform for producers and farmers to trade high quality crops based on demand and supply increasing the trade flows and improve farmers living standards.