Meetings of ICCIA’s Delegation in Pakistan
Ms. Aalia Jafar, Director of International Relations, and Ms. Safina Shalwani, Associate International Relations, met with Ambassador Rizwan Saeed Sheikh, Additional Secretary Middle East in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pakistan, to explore opportunities for enhancing cooperation in the IT sector between Pakistan and ICCIA member countries.

ICCIA’s delegation comprising of Ms. Aalia Jafar, Director of International Relations, and Ms. Safina Shalwani, Associate of International Relations, organized a meeting with Ms. Florence Rolle, the UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) Representative in Pakistan and her team.
A meeting was held between Ms. Aalia Jafar, Director of International Relations, Ms. Safina Shalwani, Associate of International Relations and Ms. Nadia Aftab, Representative of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in Pakistan, and her team.

Ms. Aalia Jafar, Director of International Relations at ICCIA, and Ms. Safina Shalwani, Associate of International Relations at ICCIA, held a meeting with Mr. Asad Aleem, Deputy Country Director for the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Pakistan, and his team, to identify potential avenues for enhancing collaboration across different sectors between ICCIA & ADB.
Dr. Abdul Badih El Dada, Director of Events Department at ICCIA, and Mr. Muhammad Idris, Manager, Events Management Department, met with Mr. Faraz ur Rehman, President, Korangi Association of Trade & Industry (KATI).

Collaborating for a Sustainable Future; ICCIA Business Development Manager Mr. Syed Saad Ali Pasha, conducts one of the working group sessions for the GreenWaqf Initiative with the law research cluster group of Ziauddin, Faculty of Law, aiming to develop a legal framework for the implementation and development of the initiative.